They were all assassinated...

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Why ?

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Here is what I believe..They represented a threat to those who opposed ideals laid out in our Constitution..What do you believe..

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May 12Liked by Sam Urdank

This answer is consistent with the theme of the recent Pulitzer Prize winning history by Jefferson Cowe, “Freedom’s Dominion: a Saga of White Resistance to Federal Power”.

A frighteningly significant fraction of Americans believe freedom means something different than you & me: they believe “freedom” refers to being free to dominate others without governmental interference.

‘Others’, being defined in the usual way: First Nations, slaves, women, immigrants, non WASPS...,

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Quite the perspective in this moment, when put in those words. I will look for that writing.

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May 14Liked by Sam Urdank

Sorry, Sam, I misspelled the author's last name, it is Cowie. Definitely a good read, though! Was amazingly informative about current events, including the persisting division of America, and Amendment 14, Section 3 of the US Constitution, etc. Here's a link:


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I believe it was because of one selfish interest that’s why but it is in accordance with what you said

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